About a year and a half ago, I gave up my full-time job working for a non-profit so I could focus more on Parents Who Fight. I’m grateful to have marketing skills that make it possible for me to work from home so I can be with my kids after school and help keep our household running smoothly (or running less chaotically, would actually be more correct). In my spare time, which I have more of working from home, I am able to keep PWF moving forward.
Today, I am really thankful that I had the courage to make that choice and take that leap of faith.
Recently I was asked to be a guest for the podcast I used to produce at the non-profit I worked for, Mercy Multiplied. They were in the middle of a series about understanding the harms of pornography from a Christian approach, and they asked me to come provide insight from a parent’s perspective. I was honored! You can listen to that podcast here.
PWF on the Radio
We’re also grateful for other opportunities that have come our way. A few weeks ago, Jesse and I were both on a local radio show called “P3 Man Up Hour” which is hosted by Judd Granzow. It was so fun to do this interview together! I often have to do things on my own while my husband is at work (or while he runs tech for our workshops). I’m so thankful that I have his partnership in this mission to protect kids. We make a great team, and we have worked 20+ years to become that way! You can listen to the radio interview here, (again, this show is from a Christian perspective, FYI).
Up Ahead
In addition to all that’s happening locally, we’re very excited about some meetings we have at Microsoft next week in Redmond, WA, as well as a parent workshop in Seattle. Stay tuned for those updates!
We are so thankful for the awareness that is rising about the need to protect kids online. If there is anything we can do to partner with you as a parent or an organization, please let us know!